Robert Frost underwhelms the data
When two roads converge in snow.
Its split-second multi ultimata
Just choosing what whichway to go.
Overwhelming Anticipation
and Alert recovery dances:
Wham Bam Uh Whew!
Whommp Um Ohh Man!
Oomph Oh Yes Maam!
Choo Chomp Chew!
Burning Optimistic rhythms
Testing gravity's hold,
Choose the least travelled way
with forward leaning bold.
Big Bad Brutal bumps
An obstacle course in snow.
The hardest part is falling down
Then getting up to go.
You are no less, no more than the total sum of your thoughts, what are you thinking about today?
Tomorrow, because that is when I might stop procrastinating. But I will have been thinking the whole time about starting up initially.
even though we have gone through life in a direction quite different from that of our vision, the good news is, our vision is still there
Vision improves with focus unless one is looking through wrinkled saran wrap. There are two kinds of vision: seeing and believing.
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