Friday, October 19, 2007

Monday, August 13, 2007

True Enough?

Narrowly interpreted,
Truth is a fine line:

Neutral immune and worthy.
Honest, absolute or real are redundant truth modifiers that diminish its elegant, singleminded fidelity.
The honest truth implies that some truth may not be truthful. Absolute truth suggests that there are degrees. Real truth seems to distinguish from artificial or fantasy.

Thursday, June 7, 2007


Sight on pin.
View through "U"
Set commit, initialize, "dip"
(define initial point)
Swing: Backswing to fuel the flight
Smooth; subtle wrist release into Once Over Loop.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Power Of Suggestion

Pop a batch of popcorn and the smell creates a yearn.
Fry up some onions and mouth watering will return.
Expect rain if you wash your cars and when you mow your lawns
Your neighbors have to mow theirs too, like reproducing yawns.
Look up to the sky outside in a crowd and curiosity will show
That what is not up there matters and uplookers just have to know.
Create a need with persuasive speed and gather friendship first

Oh excuse me for the interruption but I've developed quite a thirst.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Cookie Logic

The best know this secret:
That the recipe to achieve
Is offering one Girl Scout cookie
Then selling the whole sleeve.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Molasses Plan

Double batch your biscuit basket. It is recommended that you pour a small pool of molasses onto the center of a big plate. Big is key because the biscuit needs an off-ramp to drip some of the molasses on the ascent to the mouth. Small pool is important because you want a controlled pour when your biscuit runs out of molasses. If there is molasses left on the plate after biscuit has expired you will need to renew the biscuit in hand. If you sop up all the molasses be sure to recalculate your next molasses pour to last just beyond the next biscuit expiration or you'll have to stop the sop too soon. So molasses-plan accordingly. If biscuit supply diminishes while working with molasses charged plate, clear with commercial grade bread.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Book Memory

In order, on edge, unfound;
Just holding its own pages sound.

Waiting to release what's bound inside,
Once loved enough to renew.

Endeared, dog-eared, un-ruled;
Uprightly keeping its ending fooled,

Just revealing that covert jewel,
Once loved enough to renew.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Floor Window

This is the center of the world.
The grain of real wood.
The wear-with-all kitchen floor.
It is a parallel universe.
I've stood here in the dark
And it was still warm.
This is not a reflection
And self cancels with flash.
Microsoft put this here
To impose Windows on my life.

Friday, March 30, 2007


Profound should be hyphenated because
if you go deep enough
With me
Your search is over.

Monday, March 26, 2007


Not to be outdone
Never undersold
Oneup everything
Break the mold.

Do what few do:
Outdo the whew.
No apathetic tendons*
Outdo you.

*apathetic tendons occur when half-hearted attempts are made to achieve something less than real good and the participant does not care to do better. When Just Doing It is considered adequate performance, then attitude is the Achilles heel of true improvement. Arrriving at work becomes an admirable achievement and punching out becomes an ambitious daily goal.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Hat On Backwards

The hat that I am wearing has no frontward brim
The brim goes all the way around but that is not a sin
A fishing hat can carry flies and wack em if need be
But its no good for baseball, its brimless and you can't see
When sun gets in your eyes and you're catching flies, agree?

But that is not the question and hats are not for ball
A cap is proper headwear or don't wear one at all
Brim has got to be there stuck out front to shade the glare
Or turned around behind your head or pointed anywhere.

The catcher has to flip the flap to slip the mask in place
Firmly forward protective-like in position on his face.
The pitcher has to slap his cap, and wipe his arm with sweat,
Adjust the fitness several times, and it just is not right yet.

But what worries me about the cap is reversal of the brim
By everyone wearing them in malls and school and gym.
On the street you see them backwards on girls as well as boys
Is the backwards cap a fashion or is it done 'cause it annoys?
Is forward cap apparel wear a sign of proper birth?
Or is backhat positioning more than what its worth?

Its comfortable to wear it back if neck burn is the reason
Backhat posture diverts the rain off your back in season
When you're playing video games to avoid distracted visions
Turn back the brim again and protect pinball decisions

And when riding on a bike with brim stuck in your face
You have to turn it backwards just to see or just in case
A passing motorist with backhat on veers into your lane
And accidentally glares himself and causes you the pain
And don't forget the brim is flying out there in the wind
So wear it backwards naturally; avoid losing it again.

Backhat has no rules and is practically comfort driven
and is mostly one hundred percent operator given
The wearing public has no clue as to really why its done
Backhat wearing connaisseurs are just out there having fun
Backhat wear is cool and in and now and casual whim
Mostly worn by people who do not care to see the brim

Friday, March 16, 2007

Same Thing Only Different

Same thing only different
History knows what's not for you
Begin with the goal in mind
Doing all you need to do

Consistency and repetition
Doing right things right and then
Leaving out mistakes enough
So they won't return again

Do what always works
The key to certain fame
Only change what doesn't work
Be different and the same.

Collaboration from Peter DeLong (d)

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Over the Brink

(A Compulsive Milestone)

Now I get compelling
Thinking of something else to do.
Doing something else and thinking
Something all the way back through.
Making do with something else.
Thinking something else to think.
I'm thinking of something else,
But its just something else to think.
Thinking of something else to do
Compels an urge to change;
And all this elsewhere thinking
Has rearranged my brain.
Now I get compelling
Its an urge you have, or else.
Nothing can really stop its force
It controls your working pulse.

Compelling means you have to
Act on what you think...
A moment of silence please

I just went over the Brink.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Its an out of body experience
When your arm leaves your side
What really puts me out of joint
Is face down Slip N Slide.

The limitations of elasticity
are only really known
by stretching to the nethermost
to find the snapping zone

But what I've learned from separating
Reality from jest
Is keep yourself together
Or get a nurse-anaesthetist.

July 17, 1995 Houlton

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Mogul Action

Robert Frost underwhelms the data
When two roads converge in snow.
Its split-second multi ultimata
Just choosing what whichway to go.
Overwhelming Anticipation
and Alert recovery dances:
Wham Bam Uh Whew!
Whommp Um Ohh Man!
Oomph Oh Yes Maam!
Choo Chomp Chew!
Burning Optimistic rhythms
Testing gravity's hold,
Choose the least travelled way
with forward leaning bold.
Big Bad Brutal bumps
An obstacle course in snow.
The hardest part is falling down
Then getting up to go.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Wait; Procrastinate First

I was going to post the initial entry today but decided to wait instead. It has been a difficult decision and not one that I take lightly. A decision to procrastinate may seem irresponsible but waiting has the same functional effect as listening so I'm waiting and listening. Which, again is the same thing only different. To avoid knee jerk reaction a little procrastination here will yield better communication. What surfaces from thinking, measured procrastination, and listening will be better than starting prematurely without thinking, waiting, or listening.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Initiation is not necessarily first

The initial posting for this blog is under construction. I am thinking. The way I think , the first post should set the tone for what follows so this is not the first post because the tone is not set yet. Initially, initiation commences things, like commencement, but then quickly becomes other than first and I have reserved that for a second look. Later, I'll start. For now, initially, I am thinking. So Brink Think Link has no beginning. I am pleased to have established at least that, initially.