Sunday, March 31, 2024

Summertime EV

Charging my hybrid EV last summer was a rewarding episode in my life-long automobile love affair. The home charger would power up the electrical renewal overnight and we learned to take advantage of after peak rates that began at 8 or 9 PM .  We saved money by charging overnight and it was elegant to wake up in the morning to a fully refreshed battery.  And then we would hum around town without gasoline, fumes, or noise.

And then came winter.  As temperatures dropped to below freezing,  we began to notice that the fully refreshed battery was only storing about half of its promised capacity.  The distances we could travel under electric power were considerably reduced and our summertime reliability was frozen like Mill Pond ice cover. 

We heard stories of stranded EVs in the recent  Chicago cold snap and of drivers unable to renew their batteries in cold temperatures at all.  Powerless EVs were being towed by gasoline-powered wreckers away from cold charging stations.

We heard of a meeting of the BEP that was cancelled due to weather disabled power outages in Augusta, Maine.  And this meeting was the same group of unelected government officials who were tasked with the mandated adoption of EV production and sales for our near term future. These winter challenged EV advocates should have their meetings in the summer and choose to table EV mandates until their winter meetings are accessible by their unvetted futuristic power scheme.

Saturday, March 30, 2024


There is Mechanical beauty and potential energy in guns.   I wish they’d call guns something else, like  the “legally protected health care activity” semantics that are so prevalent in the proposed LD227 bill.  It’s not a gun; It’s a mechanical repository of potential energy.Rarely,  in movie sets, does the mechanical repository of potential energy contain a projectile due to the risk of harm and/or death.  Often, in the media, mechanical repositories of potential energyare culpable for the harm they cause in much the same way as trucks are blamed for accidental coincidental damage. (The truck drove off the roadway and hit a pole)

A misfire from a mechanical repository of potential energy would not have occurred without prior selection, intention, engagement and trigger tension apart from the gun itself.  Any discharge from a mechanical repository of potential energy would require that same stimulus to go off.  The mechanical repository of potential energy has no self actuating feature. It hath no internally churning wrath. It hath no assault labeling conscience or consciousness.  Its inherent inanimate peacefulness is absolute. 

The machining in the mechanical repository of potential energy exquisitely close tolerance construction and has finishing that accentuates its appearance.  The tooling of its interior mechanisms rivals a grandfather clock or a wagon-jack  in connective balance and timing. The style and fashion and composition of handgrips are personal and comfortable.  The fit and feel are purposefully designed for safety first and then looks, and then collectibility.  A mechanical repository of potential energy is a perfect collectible commodity, like a collection of unopened Irish Whisky or ceramic cats or matchbox cars.  The lethality of these collections are indistinguishable and inert. 

When does the mechanical repository of potential energy become a red herring for grievous shaming of ownership?  Gun control and legal wrangling of the Second Amendment and infringement of the spirit of infringement is an unpopular refrain.  It’s not guns that fire up the violence of the populace. The outcry of the discordant gungrabber would have the mechanical repository of potential energy blamed and shamed and red harangued instead of arresting the real stimulus. Guns in a curio cabinet are no more lethal than ceramic cats. 

 Construction dynamite and canned gasoline are far more dangerous yet are quietly shelved in our midst. Get off gun control.  It is concealed carry of loaded propaganda. Plainspoke folk say it’s not the gun it’s the one holding it.  It’s not the arrow it’s the Indian. 


There are efforts in play to neutralize the Constitution. Similar to the liberal scheme (NPV) to go around the Electoral College, gun phobia persists in many last minute camouflaged legislative tactics. Some states have joined an unconstitutional compact to pry away electors from their elected authority. Repetitive and comparable circumventions of the constitution override the 2nd amendment provision that simply tolerates no infringement.  The least common denominator is constitutional contempt.  

“No Compacts

The lawyers organize a compact to override the established law of elections.

“Shall not be infringed”

 The lawyers introduce incrementally innocuous adjustments to the right to bear arms which  purposefully infringes.

 They cannot change the Constitution through the prescribed amendment protocol because there is no support for the changes. No 3/4 majority of the states can be garnered. The Amendments became the Bill of Rights by adoption and approval of the states.  The detour to alternative methods for changing the Constitution have evolved from not being able to acquire the majority needed. But alternative detours are prohibited by the Constitution.  

The intentional design and inclusion of the phrases  “no compacts” and “no infringement “ meant that the strength of the law was reinforced in its original form.  Reinforced in its original form.  The founders thought that writing the law wasn’t strong enough so they added rebar to prevent the concrete from breaking apart.

Despite the founder’s cautions, these layered slivers of deliberate delinquency threaten the Amendments by infringement. These threats are like Mohs surgeries on the skin of the law.  Peel away the Constitution one slice at a time . 

 The noise of media turbulence is regenerated when psycho-shootings happen and are then exploited to justify the “never waste  a good crisis” mantra that Rom Emmanuel prophesied on his way to mayorhood of Chicago.  It’s not  so much ignoring the Constitution as it is shredding it. We the people should honor the original intent of the law for the very same reasons they were written in the first place and resist the prohibited urge to fix what ain’t broken. 

Sunday, March 17, 2024


Reproductive Rights


red colored font signals an intentional manipulation of meaning to misappropriate  innocent wording thus making an argument sound better.


 I have the right to be reproductive. I have ownership of the responsibility to re-create. Why then does reproductiveactivism abort babies and not be reproductive at all?. Quite the contrary, this retrofitted usage of reproductivity yields nothing. It detaches Something from the umbilical cord and ends its life while silencing the real reproductive reason to be. Reproductive right advocates argue for a right that disguises the deadly outcome of its legally protected healthcare activity.  Reproductiveright promotes the opposite.  It’s not called Un-reproductive right yet it is quite un-reproductive. It’s what we do: reproduce.  The act of reproduction requires no lawyer.  It requires no legislator. It requires no doctor or nurse mid- wife. It requires no lobbyist, activist, protestor, committee,  Planned Parenthood or agency.  It requires only a loving process miracle. Termination or extermination of reproductive outcome (birth) is described as though the outcome is reproductively desirable.  It’s not desirable because the reproductiverights activists want to abort the very reproductive activity that makes it reproductive.  They cannot have their cake and eat it too.  Reproductive means making and nurturing baby humans; de-productive means ending the miracle underway. 

And abortion.  Abortion, the word, means to stop  the plan already in motion.  Think Planned Parenthood.  The mission is to have a baby with normal sexual conjunction and gestation.  Parenthood never happens because the mission/plan is aborted along with the baby.  The Plan is to thwart Parenthood and should be called Something else because it isn’t what it isn’t.  And that’s the point: the language upends and pretzelizes the reality and imitates the good words. “They” are very successful at bastardizing the  vocabulary.  Reproduction is not what they mean. They mean to stop reproduction. Planned Parenthood is not doing humanity any favors. 

To simplify the planned confusion and clarify if possible: raising a family is pro-life; terminating a pregnancy is no-life. 

The End

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Tulips Are Too

Roses are red
Tulips are too
Violets are violet
Blue is just Blue

Loon Song

Croon yodelling clarinet
In conversational woodwind mode
Sing a wilderness opera medley
Of kindred woods-slang code
Runaway tremelo saxophone
Plead your whereabouts soundings
Lament in magical mystery chords
To warn the vast surroundings
Deep purple wailing guitar
Steel air from out of the night
Wild acapella riffs echo
As you Dance in taxi for flight


Foraging for fiddleheads is a rite of Spring for many Aroostook County hunter/gatherers. The tightly wound beginnings of a fern are nutritious delicacies now served with pomp and flair at the best restaurants in Portland. They do not need vinegar but many dress them up like pickles. They do not need butter but many aficionados insist on a pat to churn out their earthy earthiness. Olive oil, merlot, or some balsamic potion would not unwind their spiral personality.

Reproductive Semantics

 Abortion bothers the pro-choice folks so much that they must soothe their language to ease their anti-human intervention into the lives of unborn babies. Reproductive autonomy, they call it, could refer to a whole range of indeterminate propagative behaviors.  Planned parenthood is an abortion looking for a place to happen. It is neither planned nor parenthood and conceals abortion behind the unplanned spontaneity of casual pregnancy and the non-parenting that results from their new-name right called reproductive autonomy. They legislate a Right to Choose cushion of laws that will soften and muffle the outcry of abortion. Since Roe, there is no constitutional right to abortion so let's give birth to a new right called reproductive autonomy and maybe these nasty abortions will go away quietly.  Its certainly much better to have a late term episode of reproductive autonomy than an abortion don't you think?   Maine will become a destination for vacating unwanted fetal inconvenience. Vacationland. The state can’t tell you how many children to have but soon you’ll be able to eliminate as many as you like. A new right to kill defenseless new people is the ultimate in biological censorship and secures freedom at the expense of the miracle of birth. This is not racist in the woke vernacular of the times; It is human-racist. It is the intentional elimination of a member of the human race.  Who do you think you are and where do you think you’re from?  Who gave you special permission to live?  Someone did.

Grouse Positioning System

A bird in the bag is worth a few in the bush.
Clover is their nutrient of choice proven by crop autopsy in multiple field trials.

It is much easier to pull off two-at-once than simultaneous-two.  If the birds are side-by-side AND close enough, the shot pattern will overlap both birds and spend only one cartridge in the process. It is fun and requires some immediate strategy calculation but in the end it is a luck driven enterprise that only allows reflexes to be tested if the grouse suddenly scurry and change their disadvantaged geography.  The technique is a boastful process and several of us have achieved this grounded distinction over the past couple years. Again, it is luck in discovering tandem birds within the automatic overlapping crossfire pattern accidentally.  It is bird-on-the-wing that owns the coveted bragging rights, though.

No winged skeet-like trophies have been claimed by our group because of our highly disciplined bird-in-the-bag reaction time and zero tolerance sighting protocol that allows no birds to fly.  (Erik witnessed a from-the-hip wing shot after a road bird survived a woman's miss  yet fell from the sky at the hand of her Jeremiah Johnson husband......but that wasn't us).  

The simultaneous shot is thus our best upland dual-bird bagging bragging right.  According to the Grouse Log entry,  we approached a single rock bird in clover and consulted for 30 seconds before finally and spontaneously and embarrassingly identifying a feeding ruffed grouse.  Zero tolerance flight protocol in mind,  I loaded one shell into the barrel and almost shouldered the shotgun. I was    interrupted by Bob's alert that there were two in the clover.  Another shell into the bottom and shotgun to shoulder with authority.  This story is taking more time to tell than the measure of its actual unfolding. Hereafter,  I  will synchronize with real time.

BANG! Bird two; 
BANG!! Bird one. 
The End


There is an element of confusion.  It is usually political with an element of obfuscation.   For example,  the invasion of an embassy and the organized assassination of a US Ambassador on the anniversary of  9/11 is sanitized by the spontaneous and fictitious appearance of an outraged flash mob upset by a YouTube video.  Or sending guns to the cartels so they can be caught using them on our own law enforcement people. Or freeing terrorists to allow them to celebrate their release and rehabilitation within the Taliban.

And now in the glow of Veterans Day,  a beloved, effective, educated, strategic High Officer of the Army to which I belonged, is compromised by his own libido?  I speculate that once American gullibility refused to swallow Secretary of State Hilary Clinton's contrived culpability for Benghazi,  we are now being asked to digest that General Betraeus is somehow infiltrated by a super educated, unarmed, unmanned, sexual drone of his own.  If Bill Clinton did not have sex with that Monica woman, neither did Petraeus.  Petraeus is privy to the Benghazi secrets and will protect them with his own infallible security clearance and the agreement he has made is between his biographer and the pillow and the Commander in Chief.   Sex is an orgasmic state of affairs, I mean affair of state. So the renewed President accepts the General's voluntary resignation for an indiscretion.  Why am I not certain there isnt a steamy video we could blame?  

This is to publish the developing concept of mindBloggling.

Maya Memory

Bury all the bones
No rodents allowed
Maya was a baritone
With Volume set at Loud! 
Embedded plastic squeakers
Torn from stuffing new
They last eleven seconds
Then nothing left to chew.

Endeared, Long eared 
Majestic prancing trait
Sometimes a little jumpy
Always close the gate

Squirrels whirl and twirl
But never land in range
Of watchful Big-Brown-Eye's
Explosive door exchange.

Four seconds deck-to-fence
Lawn worn to dirt-and-dust
Her domain beyond the compound
In sight at risk she must.
She was a very lumpy pillow
She was a pointy-headed brain
She previewed through the dog door
Before venturing into rain.