Thursday, December 20, 2018

Retirement Holy Moly

From Bulldog to Crolius the holiest of molius
Hall Ass and Shandyman template and band

Five out of five;  Vacant has Rheum-jive
NewGuy ain’t new;  what’s Bettah than You

Apostolidumab Hipstah, our Grecian young sistah

Hope for the Legends when Brinkdaddy’s thru:
I promise retirement will happen to you

With my Baby beside me our goal is to hide me
Deep in the woods in my canvas canoe

I’m losing my iPad but the stories remain
The Outback is parked but nowhere in Maine

Mem’ries not lost-in  my late love for Boston
Our songs and our movies are classics today

And lest we  forget how Humira got worldly:
The Legends carried her...         all of  the way.

Thanks for your friendship and counsel and care
I’ll take all You Legends   with me everywhere

We love us.  We love us   That about says it all
This work was deluxe and we’ve all had a ball.

Legends have left us and their measure’s incomplete
Frankie Flexed her Napa wine and got us off our feet
Bangor knows the strength and steel of a little bold Concrete
Colossal Construction tension of Mel was Mighty sweet
You can never leave the Legends     We just move along
Old man Take a look at my life  we are Boston Strong

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